As a Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner living and working in Miami Beach, the greatest gift I give my clients using hypnotherapy is to remove negative emotional responses.  Emotions such as anger, stress, shame, and guilt.  By shifting emotions instantly using hypnotherapy, thoughts change leading to better more productive actions.  An entire world of possibility opens up.

While all of the emotions stated above are debilitating and require addressing and removal, there may be no more detrimental emotional roadblocks than fear.  Fear is the emotion that keeps us stuck, and isolated, and hinders the enjoyment of everyday normal life.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for removing fear-based responses and thought patterns, by directly working with the programming of the subconscious mind.  By speaking to that overprotective part of the client’s mind, and going back in time to re-wire fear-based moments in their past, hypnotherapy allows for ease, strength, and peace in the future.


Statistics say that only 23% of people seek treatment for their fears and anxieties.

Nobody likes fear.  Feeling afraid causes the body to tense up, freeze, and produce stress hormones that are extremely uncomfortable.  It’s safe to say that if they could, most would choose to never feel fear again.

The funny thing is, out of all of the quote negative emotions, fear is by far the most beneficial.  Why?   Fear ensures our survival.

Fear is the reason we removed ourselves from the food chain.  Fear is the reason we invented airbags and continues to advance in technology.  Fear is why our ancestors weren’t eaten by saber tooth tigers, and why you have a lock on your front door.

Without the fear response programming within your subconscious, you would have walked into traffic by now, or made terrible mistakes affecting your safety and those you love.

The problem with fear is when that protective mechanism designed to keep you thriving, becomes overactive and out of touch.  When fear responses are attached to everyday living scenarios, life can become difficult and unbearable.  Hypnotherapy effortlessly allows us to detach our valuable protective fear mechanism from those moments in which they are not required.


The subconscious mind is where your identity lies.  Who and what you are lives in the subconscious.  As somebody who practices hypnotherapy, I understand that the subconscious is where you store your beliefs, emotions, thought patterns, and habits.

The subconscious mind is concerned with one thing and one thing only, to keep you alive.  This is a gift you have been given.  However, when irrational beliefs and responses get trapped in the subconscious, fear can rule your everyday life.

Consciously you realize you shouldn’t be afraid.  “I know the elevator is safe to ride, and that there is a 99.99999% chance nothing will ever happen to me in an elevator”.  Yet, you still feel afraid.

“I know when I go to this work event everything will be fine.”  Yet, the social phobia programming within your subconscious grabs you.

Hypnotherapy service is an amazingly powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious to remove that alert response from situations that aren’t necessary. 

Safely and easily, hypnotherapy gives the subconscious the proper update to allow for all overactive fear-based responses to be removed.

For more information about just exactly how hypnotherapy is able to speak to your subconscious, please watch this short video here:


Working with clients providing the healing gift of hypnotherapy, I have learned that there are really only two types of fears; rational and irrational.

Rational fears are the fears we need and require.  If you were alone in your house at night and heard a strange noise coming from the back room, you may want to be afraid.  If you were 200K in debt and had bill collectors knocking at your door, being fearful may be the appropriate energy to encourage you to change course and problem-solve.

However, even rational fears can be exaggerated.  Reacting with fear when noises are heard in the house is different than constantly being afraid when alone. 

Using fear to improve your financial situation is different than constantly being afraid your boss is going to fire you.

When using hypnotherapy to remove fear, I often reduce the fear responses to those rational fears that become too heightened and exaggerated.

Irrational fears are those that are not needed in the slightest.  That is, if my client wants to enjoy normal everyday life.

True, that elevator you ride to your office could snap and disaster is possible.  However, is trembling in fear going to ensure the mechanics of the elevator get you to the top?

Riding in an airplane is filled with inherent risk, but are shaking and panic attacks required to arrive safely in Wichita?


As someone who practices hypnotherapy and removes fear from clients regularly, I understand that we all have a wise mind that knows better.  Letting go of fears is simply a natural process. 

Once upon a time, you were terrified that there were monsters under your bed.  Then, as you aged your wise mind simply “knew better.”

Using hypnotherapy, I am able to tap into and speak directly to that part of the mind that knows better.  We all have that piece inside of us, and all it takes is a little guidance and direction to get it back on course.

Utilizing the effective tools of hypnotherapy, I am able to bring back, and tap into that part of the mind that you already have, bring it to the surface and allow for fears to fade away like water from a duck’s back.


Fearful thoughts can cloud us.  These thoughts of terror and dread take away the sunshine and cause an existence of impending doom.

As someone who gives the gift of hypnotherapy to clients experiencing fear, there may be no easier remedy than removing fear-based thought patterns.  Using hypnotherapy and putting my client into a wonderful state of transformative trance, I provide the most basic and simple suggestions to remove negative and fearful thought patterns.

“The more you look at those fearful thoughts, the weaker they become”.

“They become hazy, more distant until eventually they are gone”.

“And so your mind is quiet except for the one voice that says, I am safe”.

Hypnotherapy allows for fear-based thoughts to be completely removed from the equation.  This happens so instantly and easily, it still baffles me to this day how more people aren’t enjoying the healing and positive effects of hypnotherapy.


It is said that when we are born we arrive with only two fears, the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling.  Compare that total of two to the number of fears you currently entertain.

So where do the other fears come from, and how did we get so attached?

Fears mostly come from one of two places:  Passed down and experienced. 

Fears that are passed down are those that were given to you by your parents, caretakers, or other authority figures with whom you trusted to advise you about life.

When your mother constantly worried about her wrinkles, you feared getting older.

When Grandma had a panic attack when she saw the spider in the corner, you became fearful of your garage or attic.

The amazing quality about fear that is learned, is that it can just as easily be unlearned.  Hypnotherapy allows my client to go back, witness, and relive those moments when the fear was absorbed, and see them from an entirely new, peaceful perspective.  

Allowing the subconscious mind to grow, and that wise mind to gain pertinent information, hypnotherapy allows for a newfound peaceful experience completely free of fear.

Experienced fear is those that are a result of a traumatic event.  Being bullied in the schoolyard can cause a fear of your peers.  Getting in a car accident can cause a fear of driving.

Hypnotherapy allows the client to retain beneficial learnings and understandings from those traumatic events.  In doing so, the client is able to completely remove the fear and use the lessons to be better and stronger.  Those learnings from the events that caused distress cancel out any fear-based thoughts and emotions.

“Being picked on showed you how you would rather not treat people, and that insecure people take it out on others.”

“That car accident simply showed you to slow down, be more cautious, and always wear your seat belt”.

Learnings are absorbed and inserted into the subconscious mind utilizing hypnotherapy, fear gone.


There was a time in your life when you were free of fear.  As in, you had never experienced it before.  Then maybe at the age of 8, you were approached by bigger kids, and the fear of being assaulted was experienced.  At this point, your body registers fear, giving birth to a new response to moments in your life.

Once you “learn” how to feel fear, it comes to you easier and easier.  Once you learn how to do anything, it becomes easier. 

Using hypnotherapy, I am able to use a powerful technique known as timeline therapy.  This enables the client to go back into their past, and remove all the fear they have ever experienced.  Sound far-fetched?  Believe me, it’s not.

When the client is able to remove the fear from the past, unlearning that response, it is far more difficult to come by in the future.  Much like that young child who had yet to experience fear, the client’s body and mind can no longer do it so easily.

Think of it like this, if your fear is a pot of hot water, all I have to do is turn the temperature up just a notch and everything boils over. 

If I remove that hot water and turn up the temp a notch, nothing happens.  Everything remains cool.

For more information on the amazing effects of hypnotherapy and timeline therapy, please click this link here:


Fear is a natural part of being human.  As you have read, we actually need it as it ensures our survival.  However, it can be assumed that your survival needs are met at this moment, and will be for 99% of your life.  

Irrational fears do not have to hold you back.  Utilizing hypnotherapy, you can rid yourself of fear-based thoughts and reactions.  The effects are not only immediate and transformative but can last a lifetime.  Imagine living the life you deserve, and feeling the way you were always meant to.

If you would like to rid yourself of fear-based thoughts and emotions, don’t be afraid to go to BradPlotkin.Com and click on any of the scheduling buttons you will find.  You and I can hop on a call, and we will get started on your amazing journey of hypnotherapy together, away from fear! 

Brad Plotkin





Stop smoking with hypnotherapy: Understanding The Process And Benefits
