Remove Unwanted Habits

Here’s a secret… habits are all about emotions.

Ready to change any emotion and your life?

If you feel anxious, are you more likely to smoke a cigarette or exercise?

If you feel insecure, are you more likely to ask for that promotion or stay small in your desk?

While I’m sharing secrets, here is another for you:


Thats right!  Even the worst of your behaviors and actions exist because you think you receive some type of benefit!  And perhaps you do!

You are not self sabotaging.  There is nothing wrong with you!  

You are not weak.  You do not hate yourself.  You simply want to feel good! 

But what if you could leave behind the destructive and embrace the productive?

I’m here to tell you you can.  You can NOW.

Immediately upon meeting with me we will identify the source of the habit, the emotions behind them, the termination of such emotions, and the supplementation of new positive actions.


This system is simply known as 


Source // Emotions // Termination // Supplement 

And the SETS system is flawless!


Did you know, that willpower runs out?  That it is purely a function of your conscious mind?

Here’s an all to common story:

January 1st comes, and you are excited about your new workout!  Things are going to change!

Fast forward three weeks (or sooner) and you are back to sleeping in and eating bacon.

How did this happen?

The new emotions of excitement have dissipated.  And this is natural. After all, its difficult to remain excited about the same thing for an extended time.  

Once normal emotions return, the same ole habits ensue.

Sure, you can move forward using willpower and “hang in there”.  But eventually, that tank is going to empty.


The subconscious mind DOES NOT NEED WILLPOWER. 

The subconscious holds all your programming for success (or failures).  

  • Shift your identity (this is a big one)

  • Unlearn poor habits and patterns

  • Install new ones

  • Think constructively

  • Feel your best at any time


State Management using Hypnosis & NLP

There are many keys to being a high performer.  No matter what venue or industry, there are people that excel dramatically and leave their competition in the dust.

But why?

Could it be a confidence in ones own abilities?

Emotions that lead to positive action?

A self identity of someone who is a winner?


You see, habits begin at the emotional level.  

Feel insecure and eat ice cream.  Feel empowered and hit the gym.

Feel lonely and call an ex.  Feel content with being alone and choose to spend time with only people that deserve you!


What you will learn ….

  • How to shift your emotional state at any point using advanced techniques. 

  • Self hypnosis allowing you to upgrade the mind and envision how you want to act (and react)

  • Your outdated thought processes leading to destructive behaviors

  • The 5 Keys to creating and anchoring any positive emotion to any task and habit you choose

  • How to implement any behavior using the SETS protocol

  • How to form those concert unshakeable habits taking your life anywhere you want to go! 

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You just want to feel good.  Period.  

Its time to feel good now, and behave in all those ways that benefit your future!